Want to Help?


Volunteers are a vital part of our mission at Pure Midway!  As we strive to PRESERVE the rural aspects of Midway and EDUCATE the community about the value of open space and our connection to the natural land, we cannot do it without the help of volunteers.  Since we are a small organization our volunteer needs vary but we will gladly accept any involvement. Some of our current needs include:

  • Graphic Design
  • Videographer  (to make cool videos of Midway)
  • Social Media help
  • Grant Research
  • Join a committee
  • Event /Fundraising Support
  • Website support
  • Trail Ambassadors
  • Guided Walk Leaders

Invest in your community

Your donation will help us preserve the local open spaces and rural heritage that you treasure in Midway for future generations. The money we raise here stays here.

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